Call For Papers __________________________________________________________________________
4th Mona School of Business & Management
Business & Management Conference
Learning. Knowing. Doing
Delivering on the Promise of Entrepreneurship
Critical Perspectives on Research, Practice, and Thinking in the Fourth Economy
Jamaica Pegasus Hotel
Kingston, Jamaica
July 10-12, 2019
The transformative effect of entrepreneurship is already seen in countries globally. Indeed, entrepreneurship has been heralded as the foundation of business scholarship and practice ever since the invention of the business school. As an area of research, teaching and practice the discipline has also grown to accommodate a number of sub-streams, including social entrepreneurship. In many small, developing, island and emerging contexts these terms have assumed greater currency in the last decade or two.
While there exists a growing body of literature and evidence in many countries on the link between entrepreneurship and growth, the promise of entrepreneurship remain largely unrealised for many countries, including those in the Caribbean. There remains a clear need for deeper interrogation of the state of entrepreneurship, theory and practice. It is critical therefore, that rigorous attention be paid to these important pillars of growth to build a strong conceptual and empirical base from which to launch.
The 4th Conference International Conference on Business and Management brings together business leaders, investors, professionals, students, philanthropists, faculty, civil and public sectors too share best practices, interrogate theory, concepts and methodologies, engender new ideas, at the intersection of business, philanthropy, capital, innovation and society.
The Conference therefore, invites submissions on all areas of Entrepreneurship, including:
- Small Business Entrepreneurship Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Entrepreneurship Survivor Entrepreneurship
- Opportunity Entrepreneurship High Growth Entrepreneurship
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship Immigrant/ethnic/Diaspora Entrepreneurship
- Transnational Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the Public Sector
- Youth Entrepreneurship Digital Entrepreneurship
- Gender and Entrepreneurship Mass Entrepreneurship
- Financing Entrepreneurship Individual Entrepreneurship
- Acquisitive Entrepreneurship Imitative Entrepreneurship
- Incubative Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and Development;
- The Entrepreneurial Cycle Entrepreneurial Strategy
- The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship Social Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise
Doctoral Consortium
Submissions are invited from Doctoral students at all level of their research. Students will share in a collegial atmosphere and receive feedback from distinguished researchers, and their peers. Any area related to business and management or the conference themes will be welcomed.
Special Sessions
The Conference will feature five special sessions:
- From Conference to Publication: Transforming Conference presentations into Journal Publications
- Impact Investment Masterclass
- The Legal and Regulatory Environment for Social Enterprises
- Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship in the City
- Social Enterprises and Social Entrepreneurship
Publications & Awards
Publications have emerged from previous conferences, including a special issue of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (Editors: Minto-Coy, Lashley and Storey, 2018). Quality scholarly and empirical output for this conference will include:
- A Special Issue in The Journal of Social Entrepreneurship;
- An edited book;
- Policy Briefs on Delivering on the Promise of Entrepreneurship
- Conference Book of Abstracts with an ISBN
Other opportunities with reputable journals are currently being pursued and will be announced closer to the conference.
Only original works (i.e. not published elsewhere) will be considered for presentation & publication. All submissions will be double-blind reviewed and will also benefit from constructive feedback at the conference.
A number of awards will be given, including for the Best Paper.
Submission Guidelines
Please send a 200 word abstract with 6-8 keywords and the sub-theme that is addressed by the proposed presentation. Include a separate cover page with title, name, institutional affiliation, a brief bio (200 words) & contact (Email, Tel & Fax)
Key Dates
Abstracts due: April 1, 2019 Decisions: April 14, 2019
Full Scripts: May 31, 2019 Conference: July 10-12, 2019
Host: Mona School of Business and Management, The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica
Contacts: Individual abstracts, papers, panel proposals and queries must be submitted to msbm-conference@uwimona.edu.jm and copied to Dr. Indianna D. Minto-Coy indianna.mintocoy@uwimona.edu.jm
Conference Website: http://businessconf.msbm-uwi.org